What Should I Know Before Starting Invisalign?

If you’re dealing with tooth alignment issues and are considering Invisalign, you may wonder what the treatment process will look like.

Invisalign is known for being more discreet and comfortable than traditional metal braces, but that doesn’t mean you won’t need some adjustments.

Here are five things you should know about Invisalign before you begin your treatment:

1. Wearing your aligners is mandatory 

Invisalign repositions your teeth by applying pressure to them. The trays must be worn for at least 22 hours every single day; otherwise, you may affect the success of your treatment.

Patients will wear multiple sets of aligners throughout their treatment. Failing to wear one set could delay your progress or, worse, lead to the aligners not fitting your teeth anymore. 

2. Good oral hygiene is crucial

Invisalign does not protect your mouth from cavities, gum disease, or other oral health issues. In fact, it can increase your risk for dental problems tremendously if you’re not diligent with your oral hygiene.

The trays can trap food particles and bacteria, allowing them to attack your teeth and gums. You will need to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily to keep your oral health in check. 

3. Never eat or drink with them

Whether at home or out and about, you need to remove your trays before you eat or drink anything other than plain water. 

Invisalign is made from clear plastic, but the foods or drinks you consume can stain it, in which case your treatment stops being so discreet. 

Moreover, the heat from the food and drinks could change the shape of your trays, and you may notice they don’t fit properly anymore. 

4. Cleaning your trays daily will be a new routine

You need to clean your Invisalign aligners every time you remove and reposition them.

They only need to be cleaned with clear soap and water once, usually at night.

You can gently brush them before bed and thoroughly rinse them to remove any bacteria or food. 

But if you’re taking them out during the day to eat, you should rinse them in cold water before putting them back in. 

5. Invisalign treatment isn’t always discreet 

People usually become interested in Invisalign because the clear plastic is almost invisible on the teeth. However, some patients might have a slightly more visible treatment. 

For more difficult cases of misalignment, your dentist could recommend adding attachments, which are small buttons that get bonded to your teeth. They can be tooth-colored, but they are still more visible than the aligners on their own. 

Find out If Invisalign Is Right for You

Want to know if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign? All you need is a short consultation at Carmel Mountain Dental Care to find out! 

Request an Invisalign appointment online or call us at (858) 484-4880.

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