10 Things To Know Before Getting Invisalign

Invisalign has become a popular choice for adults looking to straighten their teeth without traditional metal braces. The clear aligners are barely noticeable and can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing. If you're considering Invisalign treatment, here are 10 things to know first:

1. Invisalign works for mild to moderate alignment issues

The clear plastic aligners are an excellent treatment option for minor to moderate orthodontic cases involving spacing between teeth, crowding, crossbite, overbite, and underbite. Invisalign uses a series of custom-fit clear aligners to gradually shift teeth into their ideal positions. More complex cases involving severe crowding or bite issues may require traditional braces or a combination of Invisalign and braces for the best results.

2. Treatment time varies

The average Invisalign treatment is 12-18 months but can be shorter or longer depending on the severity of your case. Less complex cases involving minor spacing or crowding may be resolved in as little as 6 months. More difficult cases with considerable crowding or bite issues may take up to 2 years with Invisalign. Your orthodontist will be able to examine your teeth thoroughly and give you a better estimate of treatment time after your initial exam. 

3. Aligners need to be worn 20-22 hours per day

For Invisalign to work properly, you must wear each set of aligners for 20-22 hours per day. You'll switch to a new aligner set approximately every 2 weeks during treatment. The aligners exert gentle constant pressure on teeth to shift their position. Removing aligners too often or for long periods can disrupt this process and lengthen overall treatment time.

4. Additional Attachments Are Sometimes Necessary 

In addition to the clear aligners, many patients need small tooth-colored "attachments" bonded to certain teeth. These help the aligners grip specific teeth for targeted movement. Don't be surprised if your orthodontist recommends attachments as part of your Invisalign treatment. 

5. Speaking may be impacted at first 

The plastic aligners take some getting used to at first. Many patients report a temporary lisp or impairment in speech when they first begin wearing Invisalign. This typically improves within 2-3 weeks as you become accustomed to speaking and going about your daily routine with aligners in place.  

6. Some aligner adjustments may be needed 

While Invisalign uses advanced 3D modeling technology to map out tooth movements in advance, aligners may not move teeth exactly as planned. If certain teeth are not tracking properly, your orthodontist can order new aligners with tweaked specifications or recommend attachments to get things back on course.

7. Oral hygiene is critical 

Meticulous oral hygiene is required with Invisalign to prevent white spots, cavities, and gum disease. You'll need to brush after every meal and snack and floss daily before reinserting aligners. Keeping your teeth super clean minimizes oral health risks.

8. There may be some mild soreness 

As your teeth begin shifting positions, it's common to experience some mild soreness and discomfort. This is normal and generally manageable with over-the-counter pain medication if needed. Be diligent about wearing your aligners as prescribed to keep treatment on track.

9. Weekly aligner check-ins are required 

You'll need to come in for check-ins every 4-6 weeks so your orthodontist can monitor your progress with Invisalign. This helps ensure treatment stays on schedule. Skipping too many appointments can impede results and extend overall treatment time.  

10. Retainers are needed after treatment 

After your teeth have been straightened with Invisalign, you'll need to wear a clear retainer at night to hold them in their ideal positions. Maintaining your new smile requires wearing a retainer for at least the first year after treatment.

Invisalign can transform your smile without conspicuous braces. Contact Carmel Mountain Dental today at (858) 484-4880 to learn more or schedule a consultation. Our knowledgeable Rancho Peñasquitos dentist is happy to answer any questions you have about Invisalign!

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